General Rules and Regulations
General Rules and Regulations
Discipline and virtue are the hallmarks of Sacred
Heart Public school. We expect that the students
entrusted to our care, will conduct themselves to the
satisfaction of all concerned and leave the school after
a successful career as God-fearing young men and
women useful to themselves, their parents and
the society.
S.H. School students should at all times show
respect to the school authorities and to the
Discipline and virtue are the hallmarks of Sacred Heart Public school. We expect that the students entrusted to our care, will conduct themselves to the satisfaction of all concerned and leave the school after a successful career as God-fearing young men and women useful to themselves, their parents and the society.
S.H. School students should at all times show respect to the school authorities and to the elders.
1. All students should maintain good discipline and should never indulge themselves in any activities detrimental to the interest of the institution.
2. Students should be punctual and regular attendance is a must. Late comers will not be admitted without a written explanation from the parent.
3. During working hours no student is allowed to leave the campus without the written permission of the Principal.
4. Continuous absence for 15 days without leave causes the removal of the student’s name from the school register. He/ she will be readmitted only after satisfactory explanation, payment of all dues and Readmission fee of Rs. 1000.
5. Irregular attendance, misconduct, disobedience or defiance of authority are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.
6. Students are advised to converse in ENGLISH inside the campus, in school bus and at boarding points.
7. All students should be neatly dressed in school uniform and wear black shoes, socks, belt and ID card to school on all days.
8. Students should bring their diary and other books according to the timetable everyday.
9. Those who bring their lunch, should bring a food towel on which you place your tiffin carrier while eating. Tidy up the surroundings after you finish eating.
10. Girls may keep their hair cut short or if allowed to grow, keep them neatly plaited and tied with black hairband only.
11. Having long nails, use of nail polish and such make – ups are not allowed in school.
12. Excessive money, expensive & fancy stationery, electronic gadgets, playing cards, toys, tattoos, CDs, pendrives, chips, mobile phones, cameras, video games, chewing gum, fire crackers, sharp edged instruments, comics, periodicals etc. should not be
brought to the school unless specially asked for by the teacher. If found, stern disciplinary action will be taken.
13. Students are strictly forbidden from disfiguring the walls & furniture of the school. They should keep their classrooms and premises neat and clean.
14. Running, playing, and shouting inside the classroom/ corridors is strictly forbidden. Once they come to the school in the morning, pupils are expected to remain in their class rooms or library and engage themselves in self study.
15. When the principal, teachers, nursemaid or any other elderly person comes to the class, the pupil should stand up and greet him / her and remain standing till they are asked to sit.
16. Students should not speak ill of anyone, as it will deteriorate your goodwill and confidence. Always speak positive and see the positive side of things.
17. Students should build confidence in themselves, and ask doubts to their teachers whenever in doubt. If you don’t clear your doubts, you will always remain in the darkness.
18. Write all the details of home work and test papers in the diary in the respective period itself.
19. Be a regular visitor to the school library and make use of the stock of books available there.
20. Use only refined language while conversing with others. It will boost your self-confidence and positive approach.
21. You should use the four magic words to good manners, ‘Please’, ‘Thank you’, ‘Sorry’ and ‘Excuse Me’ whenever necessary.
22. Do not tear pages from the notebooks or scribble anything at the backpage of the note book.
23. Students should not enter other classrooms or blocks for any reason without the permission of teachers.
24. On Birthdays students are not allowed to bring any type of sweets, to promote plastic free environment.
25. Students should move only in single line and queue should be followed in all the places. Playing or shouting inside the school buildings is strictly forbidden.
26. Pupil of one class is not allowed to enter other classsrooms.
27. Pencil box with games and fancy boxes are strictly not allowed. Fancy watches are also not allowed.
28. Students are not permitted to come to the school in self driven vehicles, even if they have a driving license. If they are found doing so, strict action will be taken. However, bicycles are permitted.
29. Each pupil is responsible for the safe custody of his/ her belongings. All the personal articles including books should be kept neat and labelled. The school is not responsible for the loss of any of their belongings. The lost property should be collected
within a week from the class teacher or the coordinator, otherwise it will be given away for charity.
30. Speak good words, express good thoughts, behave politely, and learn to socialize with all.
31. Always be in good company and act responsibly so that your family, friends, and your school feel proud of you.
32. Students’ behaviour should be gentlemanly at all times both inside and outside the school campus.
34. Any damage done to school property must be compensated.
35. Students should always be punctual and keep the class rooms & school premises clean.
Home is the first school and parents are the best teachers. No teacher can substitute parents. The school and the teachers are only an extension of the educational process which the parents have already begun at home. Hence, we look forward to maximum co-operation and understanding between parents and school authorities which will enable us to bring out the best in every child entrusted to us and make the child a superior learner, achiever and discoverer. Parents are specially requested to go through all the rules and guidelines carefully and co-operate with the school in maintaining punctuality, regularity, discipline and courteous behaviour on the part of students.
1. Children should be escorted to and from the school by authorised persons.
2. Do not meet the teachers during the class time, without the prior permission of the Principal.
3. During the working hours, if a parent wants to meet his/ her child for some urgent reason, he or she shall kindly report at the principal’s office. They shall not go to the class or to the child directly.
4. If a child is to be taken home during the working hours, parents shall inform the Principal in person or in writing for permission. No other way the child will be sent out during the working hours.
5. Parents are expected to look into their child’s growth in academic and in the overall development and also interact with the school regarding the same.
6. Go through the Diary daily, see that it is brought to school everyday. It is an excellent channel for communication.
7. Parents must attend the school functions when they are expected to do so.
8. Parents should see that their children study their lessons regularly and do their home work properly.
9. Parents are requested to send leave note etc. in the proper pages of the handbook/ diary, the very next day.
10. Parents can meet the teachers only on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3.45pm to 04:00pm Meeting teachers in between the classtime is not allowed.
11. Parents should make it a point to send the students to school on all working days including Annual sports, School Annual Day and on days of celebrations associated with the school.
12. After every Term Examination, parents are requested to come to school to collect the progress report and meet the class teacher and subject eachers and thereby guide and assist the students to improve their performance.
13. Parents are requested not to criticise the teachers or the school management in the presence of their children.
14. If they have any complaints they may kindly bring it to the notice of the principal.
15. Parents are requested to maintain a separate file for their child/ children. This should contain all the details of payment, communication and performances of the students.
16. The tentative date and time of each examination is given in the school diary. Parents are requested to arrange their visits and tour programmes in such a way that it does not affect school programmes. The exam timetable may change as per the CBSE and sahodaya intimations.
17. In no case re-exam will be conducted in any subject. If a child falls ill during the exam, if possible, bring the child during the exam time and take the child back after examination. If Absent for the exam/ absence may be condoned and taken into consideration at the time of deciding the result if a medical certificate is produced soon after the period of absence or as the case may be.
18. Parents are requested to ensure, that their children prepare a practical Home Time Table in consultation with their parents and teachers and adhere to it strictly.
19. All articles like umbrella, books, tiffin box should bear the name of the student or his / her initials for easy identification.
20. Gold jewellery and other expensive items are not allowed in the school. The management and teachers will not be responsible for the loss.
21. In case of contagious disease, parents are advised to keep children at home. Parents who seek information or need clarification may meet the principal by prior appointment and not the class teacher.
22. Parents are requested to go through the diary daily for message from teachers and sign the same.
23. Any change in the residential address and emergency contact phone numbers should be notified to the school office immediately.
24. Due importance will be given to co-curricular activities. Parents are requested to be co-operative and take a special interest in this section in order to bring out and develop the hidden talents of their children.
25. Parents/students are not allowed to give gifts to the staff of the school without the prior permission from the principal.
26. Children are discouraged to bring sweets on their birthday, but they can bring a cake without icing and cut it in the class and distribute.
27. Students have to reach school before 9.10 a.m. The school main gate will close at 9.10 and will open only after the prayer.
28. In the afternoon, after 3.30 p.m. no vehicles are permitted to enter the school campus, in lieu of students’ safety.
29. Parents should provide correct Mobile Number in the Personal Data Form, so that all the SMS sent from the school are received by the parent. Any change in the mobile number should be updated at the office so that all communications reach the
parents in time.
Any leave is to be taken only with the prior permission of Principal through a duly authorized letter from the parent. If leave is availed due to illness, information should reach the school authorities on the same day itself. When the student returns to school after recovery he/ she must produce the medical certificate.
Applying leave for mere social functions is not encouraged. 90% attendance is compulsory for all the students for promotion.
1. All students should maintain good discipline and should never indulge themselves in any activities detrimental to the interest of the institution.
2. Students should be punctual and regular attendance is a must. Late comers will not be admitted without a written explanation from the parent.
3. During working hours no student is allowed to leave the campus without the written permission of the Principal.
4. Continuous absence for 15 days without leave causes the removal of the student’s name from the school register. He/ she will be readmitted only after satisfactory explanation, payment of all dues and Readmission fee of Rs. 1000/-
5. Irregular attendance, misconduct, disobedience or defiance of authority are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.
6. Students are allowed to converse ONLY in ENGLISH inside the campus, in school bus and at boarding points.
7. All students should be neatly dressed in school uniform and wear black shoes, socks, belt and ID card to school on all days.
8. Students should bring their diary and other books according to the timetable everyday.
9. Those who bring their lunch, please bring a food towel on which you place your tiffin carrier while eating. Tidy up the surroundings after you finish eating.
10. Girls may keep their hair cut short or if allowed to grow, keep them neatly plaited and tied with black hairband only.
11. Having long nails, use of nail polish and such make-ups are not allowed in school.
12. Excessive money, expensive & fancy stationery, electronic gadgets, playing cards, toys, tattoos, CDs, pendrives, chips, mobile phones, cameras, video games, chewing gum, fire crackers, sharp edged instruments, comics, periodicals etc. should not be brought to the school unless specially asked for by the teacher. If found, stern disciplinary action will be taken.
13. Students are strictly forbidden from disfiguring the walls & furniture of the school.They should keep their classrooms and premises neat and clean.
14. Running, playing, and shouting inside the classroom/ corridors is strictly forbidden. Once they come to the school in the morning, pupils are expected to remain in their class rooms or library and engage themselves in self study.
15. When the principal, teachers, nursemaid or any other elderly person comes to the class, the pupil should stand up and greet him / her and remain standing till they are asked to sit.
16. Students should not speak ill of anyone, as it will deteriorate your goodwill and confidence. Always speak positive and see the positive side of things.
17. Students should build confidence in themselves, and ask doubts to their teachers whenever in doubt. If you don’t clear your doubts, you will always remain in the darkness.
18. Write all the details of home work and test papers in the diary in the respective period itself.
19. Be a regular visitor to the school library and make use of the stock of books available there.
20. Use only refined language while conversing with others. It will boost your self-confidence and positive approach.
21. You should use the four magic words to good manners, ‘Please’, ‘Thank you’, ‘Sorry’ and ‘Excuse Me’ whenever necessary.
22. Do not tear pages from the notebooks or scribble anything at the backpage of the note book.
23. Students should not enter other classrooms or blocks for any reason without the permission of teachers.
24. On Birthdays students are not allowed to bring any type of sweets, However, they can bring a cake without icing and distribute in their class.
25. Students should move only in single line and queue should be followed in all the places. Playing or shouting inside the school buildings is strictly forbidden.
26. Pupil of one class is not allowed to enter other classsrooms.
27. Pencil box with games and fancy boxes are strictly not allowed. Fancy watches are also not allowed.
28. Students are not permitted to come to the school in self drives vehicles, even if they have a driving license. If they are found doing so, strict action will be taken. However, bicycles are permitted.
29. Each pupil is responsible for the safe custody of his/her belongings. All the personal articles including books should be kept neat and labelled. The school is not responsible for the loss of any of their belongings. The lost property should be collected within a week from the class teacher or the coordinator, otherwise it will be given away for charity.
30. Speak good words, express good thoughts, behave politely and learn to socialize with all.
31. Always be in good company and act responsibly so that your family, friends and your school feel proud of you.
Discipline and virtue are the hallmarks of Sacred Heart Public school. We expect that the students enstrusted to our care, will conduct themselves to the satisfaction of all concerned and leave the school after a successful career as God-fearing young men and women useful to themselves, their parents and the society. S.H. School students should at all times show respect to the school authorities and to the elders. The students’ behaviour should be gentlemanly at all times both inside and outside the school campus. Students should always be punctual and keep the class rooms and school premises clean. They should take care of the school property. Coming late to school/ class is considered a serious breach of discipline. Damage done to school property must be compensated. Students are not permitted to possess or use any electronic equipments in school campus.